Feb 20 | Tuesday | 8 PM - 10 PM


Feb 20 | Tuesday | 8 PM - 10 PM

Ignite A Fire In Souls Naturally, Organically And Effortlessly

Most speakers are afraid of transparency because they don’t know where it will take them. They don’t have the skillset to harness their vulnerability and don’t know how to truly touch the souls of their audience.

How do you reach through the camera, reach through the video, reach through the conference room, and touch someone’s soul?

You’ve built a successful business and lead with style. Now it’s time to connect your intellect with your soul to become UNFORGETTABLE.
One of the world's most requested motivational speakers:

In This Live Webinar

Lisa will teach you proven, in-depth techniques to instantly up-level
your speeches from good to EXTRAORDINARY.
  • Instantly increase your impact and results by integrating speaking techniques.
  • Inspire, motivate & stir the soul of everyone listening, effortlessly
  • Shine and stand out from everyone in your industry
  • Create a breakthrough experience for your audience every time
  • ​Increase demand and multiply your speaking engagements
  • Develop the formula that produces “viral quality” video experiences
  • ​Learn distinctive Speaking and delivery techniques not taught anywhere else
  • ​Engage in interactive experiential learning that produces mindset breakthroughs
  • ​Learn what belief system is holding you back and how to push past where you would normally stop

Feb 20 | Tuesday | 8 PM - 10 PM

In This Live Webinar ..

Lisa will teach you proven, in-depth techniques to instantly up-level
your speeches from good to EXTRAORDINARY.
  • Instantly increase your impact and results by integrating speaking techniques.
  • Inspire, motivate & stir the soul of everyone listening, effortlessly
  • Shine and stand out from everyone in your industry
  • Create a breakthrough experience for your audience every time
  • ​Increase demand and multiply your speaking engagements
  • Develop the formula that produces “viral quality” video experiences
  • ​Learn distinctive speaking and delivery techniques not taught anywhere else
  • ​Engaging in interactive experiential learning that produces mindset breakthroughs
  • ​Learn what belief system is holding you back and how to push past where you would normally stop

Feb 20 | Tuesday | 8 PM - 10 PM

Who is Lisa?

LISA NICHOLS is one of the world’s most-requested speakers, as well as media personality and corporate CEO whose global platform reaches over 170 countries and serves over 80 million people. Lisa’s social media reach is over 2.4 million followers.

As Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Motivating the Masses, Inc., Lisa has helped develop workshops and programs that have transformed thousands of businesses, and the lives of entrepreneurs. As a result of her training, her students become unforgettable speakers, best-selling authors, and 6 and 7-figure entrepreneurs.

Who is Lisa?

LISA NICHOLS is one of the world’s most-requested speakers, as well as media personality and corporate CEO whose global platform reaches over 170 countries and serves over 80 million people. Lisa’s social media reach is over 2.4 million followers.

As Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Motivating the Masses, Inc., Lisa has helped develop workshops and programs that have transformed thousands of businesses, and the lives of entrepreneurs. As a result of her training, her students become unforgettable speakers, best-selling authors, and 6 and 7-figure entrepreneurs.

This Webinar is for ..

✔ Those who want a cutting-edge networking strategies, helping them find organizations that are searching for qualified speaking professional...

✔ Those who want to deliver a larger impact with their message on their own terms and by their own rules...

✔ Those who want strategies for overcoming anxiety, frustration, and doubt within their professional journey...

✔ Those who want to overhaul their networking game, so they feel less awkward and more comfortable asking for higher fees and more referrals...

✔ And finally, those who are looking for the tools needed to build a balanced, thriving business that supports their lifestyle...

This Webinar is for ..

✔ Those who want a cutting-edge networking strategies, helping them find organizations that are searching for qualified speaking professional...

✔ Those who want to deliver a larger impact with their message on their own terms and by their own rules...

✔ Those who want strategies for overcoming anxiety, frustration, and doubt within their professional journey...

✔ Those who want to overhaul their networking game, so they feel less awkward and more comfortable asking for higher fees and more referrals...

✔ And finally, those who are looking for the tools needed to build a balanced, thriving business that supports their lifestyle...

“I was watching the movie, The Secret, of all the people I saw. She resonated with me.”


“Lisa has spoken to hundreds of thousands of people that I have gathered over the last 10 years and she always leaves the audience wanting more. I traveled 30 hours from Malaysia to sit in her class and learn her speaking techniques.” 


“One of the best things I’ve done professionally for myself was to take a training with the phenomenal Lisa Nichols. I learned more from Lisa in 3 days of training than I have in years and years. If you’re considering jumping in with Lisa, I would say absolutely jump in, it’s a no-brainer YES.” 


“If you have a chance to be in the room with Lisa, run, don’t walk, because it will change your life.”


Feb 20 | Tuesday | 8 PM - 10 PM

© 2024 Najahi Events - All Rights Reserved
Terms of Use, Disclaimers, and Forward-Looking Statements

We taken every effort to ensure we accurately represent this event and it’s potential to help you. However, we do not purport this as a “get rich scheme” and by law we cannot guarantee that you will achieve any results or earn any money from attending this seminar. Your level of success in attaining results is dependent upon a number of factors including your skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, business savvy, business focus, business goals, partners, promotions, audience, and financial situation. Because these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success, income level, results, or ability to earn revenue. You alone are responsible for your actions and results in life and business. This seminar is for educational use only and we make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, or completeness of its contents. Any forward-looking statements outlined in our promotions are simply our opinions, estimates, expectations or forecasts for future potential, and thus are not guarantees or promises for actual performance. As required by law, we can make no guarantees that you will achieve any results from our ideas or models presented during the seminar and we do not offer professional, legal or financial advice. Under no circumstances will the creators of or experts represented in this program be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material. We are not responsible for your actions or the information or actions of any third party that may be part of the contents or promotions of this program. By enrolling and participating in this seminar you agree to these statements and agree not to hold our company liable for your results or actions. You also agree to let us know if you are unhappy with the seminar so that we can address your concerns or refund your tuition. Important Notice: The Organisers reserve the absolute discretion to refuse admission to to remove, temporarily or permanently, any person or Participant from the Event site or the Event. In the event where a Participant is required to make a payment for the Event, the Organisers reserve the right not to make any refund of any payment made if the Participant is removed from the Event Site or the Event by reason of the Participant’s illegal or disorderly conduct or if a Participant’s presence, conduct or behaviour threatens the image, peace or safety of the Event and/or of other Participants and/or the Organisers and/or the integrity of the Event site.